Information for Sponsors

Information For Sponsors

Events may be sponsored by clubs or by individuals. All forms should be sent to the Sanction Coordinator (see address below). Please use current forms. These are marked with form date in the lower up corner and can be downloaded from the AHBA website or obtained from the Sanction Coordinator. Submission using e-mail is preferred and allows much quicker processing.

  • Sanction Form for Trial/Test

    The completed sanction form is returned to the AHBA Sanction Coordinator at least 60 days prior to the event, along with the sanction fee of $15.00 ($16.00 if paying on-line). All classes, trial and/or test, held over consecutive days are included under one sanction fee. NOTE: For HRD/RLF and for HTAD Course 5, sanction forms must include: (1) a step-by-step description of the course, (2) a diagram of the course, (3) a score-sheet set up in the format of the HTD scoresheet. The event flyer/premium should be included with the sanction form. Sanction forms received less than 60 days prior to the event shall be subject to a surcharge of $25, those received less than 30 days prior shall be subject to a $75 surcharge.

    Click here for  2024-AHBA-Sanction_Form

    Click here for a full form package for Event Sponsors 2021 AHBA ALLFORMS – fillablerev0521-3

    Fees may be paid on-line.  Link for payment

  • Trial Scoresheets and/or Test Forms

    Master forms are provided, from which the required number for the event can be made.  There should be an original and one copy for each participant.  After the event, the completed original is given to the owner, and a copy is kept by the sponsor for at least 6 months (in lieu of keeping copies of the scoresheets, the sponsor may instead keep either copies of the trial recording forms or a completed catalog).  The scoresheets are not sent to AHBA.  Where applicable, the name of the sponsor can be filled in before the copies are made.

    Click here for ScoreSheets0224

  • Trial Recording Forms and/or Test Recording Forms

    Master forms are provided, from which the required number of copies can be made.  The name of the sponsor can be filled in before the copies are made.  A recording form must be completed in full for each qualifying dog, or a spreadsheet that includes the required information can be submitted in lieu of the recording forms.  A single recording form may accommodate multiple scores for an individual dog, but scores for more than one dog may not be put on the same form.  These are the forms that are actually sent to the AHBA Sanction Coordinator (preferably by e-mail) for use in recording legs for titles; they must be filled out legibly and in full.  Only the forms for qualifying dogs need to be sent in, and only one copy of these forms is needed.  The Recording Forms can be filled out by the sponsor from entry information or can be included as part of the entry package for the entrant to fill out.  In the latter case, the entrant fills out the top part of the form (the information regarding the dog, address of owner, etc.); the entrant then gives the partially-completed form to the event secretary, so that the bottom part can be filled out with the results at the conclusion of the trial or test.  For HCT, because the legs are different, it should be indicated on the recording form whether the run was for a first leg or second leg; legs do not need to be indicated on the forms for JHD and trial titles.  A registration number or tracking number must be included on the form for it to be processed; the registration number may be from any registry (the registry name or acronym must be included), but the same number should be used consistently for AHBA.  If a dog is not otherwise registered, owners of unregistered dogs may apply to the AHBA for a tracking number for use in lieu of a registration number. 

    Click here for Excel Format AHBA RECORDING 2021

    Click here for Word Format TrialRecordingForm0521

    Click here for the Trial Report 2021 AHBA Report

    Fees may be paid on-line.  Link for payment

  • Trial/Test Report Forms

    These forms provide an overview of the event.  The report is sent to the AHBA Sanction Coordinator after the event, along with the Trial and/or Test Recording Forms (or spreadsheet) and fees.  The trial/test report must be provided for each event, listing the number of entries in each class and the numbers qualifying.  If more than one page is needed, the date and location of the event should be indicated at the top of each following page.

    Click here for 2024-AHBA-Trial_Test_Report


If there are any Questions, Please Contact the AHBA

Karen Toth

AHBA Sanction Coordinator